Monday, April 27, 2009

Trust what you see, not what you hear.

People in politics (and business, and life, and school, and etc) can I think be lumped in to two groups. One group wants to be evaluated or judged on the basis of what they say. These people tend to have wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, many times somewhere between idea generation, and implementation, it just does not work out right, and the results are just not there. Other people want, and expect, to be judged on outcomes. They realize a good idea is a really good thing, but the proof is in the pudding. Talk is cheap, results are priceless.

One of the things this blog is dedicated to doing, is helping point out that many times our government, particularly at the state and federal levels, is more about saying what they think you want to hear, rather than actually doing something, accomplishing something, that actually makes a positive difference or makes progress. And I really might not care whether they accomplished something or not, except part of those $3.5 trillion dollars that will be spent by the federal government this year are mine. And, part of those dollars will be borrowed, and my children's children will pay for those.

A great example of this great idea/lack of execution happened last week. A friend of mine attended a meeting in which a US House Representative spoke. It was a lunch meeting, and the sole purpose of the meeting was to allow the people who pay the bills for the US government, to hear the US Representative talk.

I was not able to attend, so I asked my friend what she thought of the meeting. The two themes that stuck with her most about the meeting were the need for us to all get healthier, in order to help keep insurance costs down, and, the need to go Green with our energy consumption, lives, etc.

Lunch, by the way, was pizza. Beverages were primarily soda pop, in cans. So much for going healthy. There were no recycling receptacles for the aluminum cans, only trash cans. Ditto for the card board boxes. So much for going green. Talk really is cheap. Except it really isn't, because you and I are paying for the talk. Ouch!

My fellow citizens, this is a microcosm of how ridiculously irrelevant our government has become. You and I are being scammed. And we will continue to be scammed until enough of us say no more. You and I are paying the bills for a government that is so big, so intrusive, that it has far since passed the point of being effective. Read the writings of our founding fathers, which are the blueprint for our system of governance. They never in their wildness nightmares would have imagined a federal government this big. We must make a change.

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